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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

CosmoGIRL! Story - 10 Successful Young Women - Net Worth $1 Million

CosmoGIRL! story

Do you know a successful woman under the age of 21 with a net worth of $1 million? Anna Stanley, author of Going Up? Generation Y’s Elevator to Financial Success, is writing an article for CosmoGIRL! magazine. The woman’s total net worth could comprise of personal and business investments, stock options, equipment, inventory products, financial backing or even a projected income. If you think you or someone you know might qualify, please contact Anna at Be sure to leave your contact information, including e-mail address, home phone number, cell phone number, etc. Stories that don’t make it into CosmoGIRL! might be used in Anna’s upcoming book, Going Up? A Woman’s Elevator to Financial Success.

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